Elliott Smith: Doku „Heaven Adores You“ erscheint mit bisher unveröffentlichten Songs

Ein neuer Film widmen sich mehr dem Leben als dem Sterben eines der unterschätztesten Songwriters seiner Zeit.

Eine neue Dokumentation widmet sich dem Leben und der Musik des Songwriters Elliott Smith. „Heaven Adores You“, so der Titel des von Regisseur Nickolas Rossi gedrehten Films, wird bisher unveröffentlichte Songs und Fotos von Elliott Smith verwenden dürfen und soll am 5. Mai 2014 beim San Francisco Film Festival Premiere feiern.

Seine Motivation und die Hintergründe zum via Kickstarter finanzierten Film „Heaven Adores You“ beschreibt Nickolas Rossi wie folgt:

„“Heaven Adores You“ came about over many years. I wanted to build on the love that the fans had for Elliott. I wanted to do something that honored his contributions to the music scene, to the global community, and to my own personal journey. The circumstances around Elliott’s death created a very tight circle amongst his friends. Everyone else seemed to want to pry into the sensational darkness surrounding his death.

What if we could make something about the life and music of Elliott Smith, instead of just focusing on his death? If we could make something that looked at his incredible talent as an accomplished musician and poet, instead of his struggles exacerbated by well-deserved fame? What if we could make something where Elliott was able to narrate the journey of his life and have his friends support his incredible story?

„Heaven Adores You“ aims to be just that: A visual, melodic love letter of sorts to a musical genius, in the environments that he knew best: Portland, New York, and Los Angeles. By having Elliott guide us himself, via recorded conversations and interviews, I am hopeful that he can tell his own story once and for all, surrounded by the people who loved him dearly.“

Seht hier den Trailer zur Doku, mit dem die Macher ihr Crowdfundingprojekt im Jahr 2011 noch bewarben:

Elliott Smith starb am 21. Oktober 2003 durch Selbstmord.