Ten Walls entschuldigt sich erneut für homophoben Facebook-Post

Marijus Adomaitis erklärt zudem, dass er sich fortan aktiv für LGBT-Gruppen in seinem Heimatland Litauen einsetze und anderen Akzeptanz und Toleranz beibringen wolle.

Der litauische DJ Ten Walls hat eine ausführliche Entschuldigung für seine homophoben Äußerungen geschrieben. In dem Statement, das zuerst vom DJ Mag veröffentlicht wurde, zeigt Marijus Adomaitis, so Ten Walls‘ bürgerlicher Name, Reue für den Inhalt eines Facebook-Posts im Juni. „Ich schäme mich dafür, soviele Leute verletzt zu haben“, heißt es nun unter anderem. Ten Walls‘ Entschuldigung endet mit den Worten: „I am sorry for what I have done. I am sorry I let myself down. I hope you can forgive me and that one day through my actions and future behaviour, I will once again be accepted for my music.“

Ten Walls erklärt zudem, dass er sich fortan aktiv für LGBT-Gruppen in seinem Heimatland Litauen einsetze und anderen Akzeptanz und Toleranz beibringen wolle. Mehr noch: Der DJ arbeitet an einer Electro-Oper namens „Carmen“, die die Message, dass Homophobie inakzeptabel ist, weiter verbreiten soll.

Ten Walls schockierte seine Fans und die Öffentlichkeit im Juni 2015, als er auf Facebook unter anderem schrieb: „I remember producing music for one Lithuanian musician, who tried to wash my brain that I don’t need to be so conservative and intolerant about them. When I asked him “what would you do if you realized that your 16-year-old son’s browny is ripped by his boyfriend?” Well he was silent. The good 90s… these people of different breed where fixed.“

Lest hier Ten Walls‘ komplettes Statement:

„Earlier this year I posted comments on my Facebook page that I deeply regret. My post was linked to homophobia and was very offensive. I am ashamed to have hurt so many people: my family, my country, my colleagues, my friends, the Global LGBT community and many others. Since then I have taken time out to reflect on what I did and work out a way of apologising that expresses how sorry I am.

I am saddened by my own behaviour and the impact of my actions on others. I offended a lot of people, was the cause of horrible debates, wrecked both my own and the confidence of others and ruined the plans for many people I was working with. Understandably, I was labeled homophobic and I am not and never have considered myself to be this way. I have to tell you that my action was completely out of character and done at a particularly angry and stressful time in my life. This is not an excuse, but I would like you to know that the content of my post is not a true reflection of my feelings. For many years I have been happily working and collaborating with people from different cultures, religious and sexual attitudes. I have always respected everyone.

My post made no sense, even to me. I’m a musician. My music is for everyone in this world. I always try to unite people to promote respect, equality and tolerance, love and peace. It is my priority as a music maker, in music there is no space for discrimination. It is my intention to do something in my home country of Lithuania, to support LGBT groups and educate others on acceptance and tolerance. I am now part of a group of people who have created an electronic opera ‘Carmen’ with a strong message of this. I hope my involvement in this project will be the first step to educating others in my home country that homophobia is simply not acceptable and that everyone should be free to live the life they choose.

I am sorry for what I have done. I am sorry I let myself down. I hope you can forgive me and that one day through my actions and future behaviour, I will once again be accepted for my music.“