Gregg Allman ist tot

Der legendäre Musiker wurde 69 Jahre alt.

Gregg Allman ist tot. Der Mitbegründer der legendären Allman Brothers Band starb am 27. Mai 2017 im Alter von 69 Jahren. „He passed away peacefully at his home in Savannah, Georgia“, heißt es auf seiner Webseite.

Allman gründete die „Southern Rock“-Band Allman Brothers 1969 mit seinem Bruder Duane, der bereits 1971 an den Folgen eines Motorradunfalls starb. In wechselnden Besetzungen brachte Gregg Allman mit der Alman Brothers Band zwölf Alben heraus, 1995 wurden sie in die Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame aufgenommen. In den Siebzigern war Allman mit Cher zusammen, gemeinsam haben sie einen Sohn. Allman starb an den Folgen einer Leberkrebserkrankung, litt in den vergangenen Jahren aber an diversen Erkrankungen.

Lest hier das komplette offizielle Statement zu Gregg Allmans Tod:

„It is with deep sadness we announce that Gregg Allman, a founding member of The Allman Brothers Band, passed away peacefully at his home in Savannah, Georgia.

Gregg struggled with many health issues over the past several years.  During that time, Gregg considered being on the road playing music with his brothers and solo band for his beloved fans, essential medicine for his soul.  Playing music lifted him up and kept him going during the toughest of times.

Gregg’s long time manager and close friend, Michael Lehman said, “I have lost a dear friend and the world has lost a brilliant pioneer in music.  He was a kind and gentle soul with the best laugh I ever heard.  His love for his family and bandmates was passionate as was the love he had for his extraordinary fans.  Gregg was an incredible partner and an even better friend.  We will all miss him.”

Gregg is survived by his wife, Shannon Allman, his children, Devon, Elijah Blue, Delilah Island Kurtom and Layla Brooklyn Allman; 3 grandchildren, his niece, Galadrielle Allman, lifelong friend Chank Middleton, and a large extended family.  The family will release a statement soon, but for now ask for privacy during this very difficult time.“