Scott Matthew über Low

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The first time I was introduced to Low’s music was through this album. It was one of those pivotal listening moments that I hadn’t experienced since hearing This Mortal Coil’s „Song To The Siren“. You know when it hits your solar plexus and makes you shine from the inside out.Strange that such somber music has this effect on me but it always has. The beautiful, minimal arrangements are perfect with Mimi’s haunting vocals. I think I responded to this also because at that time I felt that this could almost be music that I could make.They use melody in a way that turns me on. It is traditional, precise. Not overly challenging which to me allows the listener to be immersed in the intent of beauty. So very beautiful but also with an honest desperation I rarely find in bands especially out of America.I saw them perform this album and I think it was the first time I had experienced a performance so perfect it made me nauseous. It was the vibrations, the unwavering commitment to the maudlin or as some people like to call it „slow core“.I have a dream. To sing with Mimi Parker. I am going to write a song for her now.Am 24. April 2009 erscheint

Scott Matthews

zweites Album THERE IS AN OCEAN THAT DIVIDES AND WITH MY LONGING I CAN CHARGE IT WITH A VOLTAGE THAT’S SO VIOLENT TO CROSS IT COULD MEAN DEATH. Den neuen Song „White Horse“ gab der Exil-Australier auf seiner letzten Deutschlandtour schon vorab in einem kleinen


auf der Ukulele zum besten. Im Mai kommt Scott Matthew wieder für

einige Konzerte

nach Österreich und Deutschland.

Scott Matthew – 01.04.2009

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